Valdez - Day 5

A few pictures from our walk last night:

This little guy allowed us to get right up to him and never moved.  We were not able classify this bird

When the charters come back each evening (approximately 7 - 7:30 pm), they display their catches for the fishing derby competition.  We don't know who these people are that got in front of our catch ;-)

We woke up to another gorgeous day!  Bright blue skies, sunshine, cloudless mountains, ahhhhhh.  We grabbed our coffee and sat outside behind our trailer and watched the world go by.  A perfect setting.    

We hiked a short, but beautiful trail, after breakfast.  The trail head was across from the harbor.  We were able to see Valdez glacier from this trail.    

We were also “bear aware” and sang most of the way through the trail.  Apparently, that’s one of the strategies you’re supposed to use when hiking.  Bears that may be in the woods are less likely to attack if they understand that singing means you’re human and not prey.  Not kidding.

Saw this North American River Otter in the marina and managed to capture the little fellow in action. 

Got on our bikes later on, for a tour of the other parts of Valdez uninvestigated as of yet.    

Valdez High School

Oh, and we had ice cream, not espresso!


  1. The gull like bird is a tern! There are a couple of possibilities - either an Arctic Tern, or a Caspian Tern, or possibly a Forster's tern according to my Audubon field guide to western birds! Would need to pin down size and get a closer look at face to know which of those is correct. But clearly a Tern.

    1. Thank you HAL. Internet searches failed us on this bird. Glad you were able to ID.

    2. Internet searches??!
      OLD SCHOOL, man, all the way. Field guide, as in a "BOOK" with PAPER.

  2. Thanks for clarification on ice cream vs espresso. phew!
    Scary to have to be bear aware while hiking.

  3. You are a brave couple to hike in Bear country.


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