Art Show / Exhibits

Yesterday Saturday was a quiet day mostly around camp.  The weather was not at its best and was cold, windy and occasionally, rainy.

Although we stayed in camp, it still managed to be a wildlife gratifying day.  Got to see some (new to us) birds early that morning.  Mule Deer and Elk came to visit us and relax next to us in the camp as well.  We were very surprised by this since the campground is packed and plenty of dogs everywhere.

Today has been a spectacular day weather wise.  Most of the morning was sunny and bright with not a cloud to be found.   Drove into town and checked our new friends the Great Horned Owl and babies.  (make sure to click on the pics and enlarge them to see better details) Then we walked through the Art Show exhibits in display in town this weekend.  Artists from surrounding towns drive in and display their talents.  From handmade jewelry, sun catchers, wind chimes, wood carvings, metal sculptures and many photos.  Pictures of the mountains and every animal in creation.  All very beautiful and very expensive.  I was very glad to see the flag display showing some remembrance of this weekend holiday honoring our Vets.


We returned to the walkway and bike path around Lake Estes.  We entered via the Matthews-Reeser Bird Sanctuary, constructed by the city and visitor center.  It is adjacent to the golf course.  Again, we were impressed by a couple of beautiful birds now migrating in this area. 

For those of you following this blog and recall the weird sign warning of danger due to Mama Elk and calving posted a few days ago?  Today we got to see why this warning was posted.  Got to see the elk baby feeding on the lake edge and several of the aunts/uncles that were nearby.   A great treat indeed getting to see all this regional wildlife in the middle of a busy town bursting at the seams with the holiday crowds.


  1. It looks very peaceful out there. Be careful around all that traffic! Elk traffic, that is...

    Hey, we did have a parade of Canadian Geese stop traffic on one of our local bridges this weekend. It was just a little reminder that nature can still flex its muscles.


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