Rocky Mountain National Park

 Saturday 5/20/17

Hi Everyone

Before talking about our adventure today, we would like to mention the storms that hit back home.  Our neighbors texted us yesterday with pictures of two downed trees on our lawn, near the road.  It appears that one of them actually blocked the road.  Someone had to use a chainsaw to cut it and open the road.  The yard is full of tree limbs and leaves and the backyard fence apparently was knocked down near the house/garage.  Unfortunately, they did not send pictures of the fence.  We're told no damage to the house or roof so we're thankful about that.

Today was a beautiful day in Estes.  Cloudless skies, sunny and temps rose to 49° F.  That caused lots of melting of the snow everywhere.  Our roof and gutters were busy all day dumping the melted snow but there is lot more to go.  With temps going below freezing again tonight, it will prolong the process.  Let's see what tomorrow brings…

We visited our first restaurant in town: NotchTop.  A restaurant, highly recommended by several of the locals.  We were glad we heeded their advice and selected this place.  The food was awesome and the selections were great.  Wendy was in the mood for a local dish, as you can see!  

Rainbow Trout with Scrambled Eggs

Biscuits & Gravy with Eggs

We drove through downtown again enroute to RMNP.  Here are some additional pics of the area.  A note to self; stay out of town on weekends.  Lots of traffic,  both vehicles and pedestrians as can be seen below.

We were also glad that our entry to the park was gratis thanks to the "Golden Age Pass".  Most roads are still closed due to the snow storm and avalanche concerns.  Yet the service was charging full fare knowing most roads are still closed.  Hmmm.  Glad we are staying for a while and plan on visiting many more times.  Enjoy the vistas below.

We are amazed at the Elk population, both in the town and in Rocky Mountain National Park.  We even saw them on the road, a mile from our campground, and then inside our campground, just wandering the roads, and eating the tasty vegetation!  Mule deer also have been visiting our campground. 

We have not seen a great variety of birds, since we got here.  We presume this is due to the unexpected snow?  Hopefully they will return.  Our binoculars are ready!


  1. So beautiful!! Love the animals. But sorry, dying with laughter over your traffic and people comment. Lol.

  2. LOL....I agree Jamie! I know they've been to Atlanta

  3. As someone who traveled I-85 after the bridge collapse, I'm also laughing at your traffic comment. O_o

  4. ......I am going to have a talk with Jamie about weekend breakfast. We need to step it up a notch.


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