
Friday, September 19, 2017

We arrived in Winter Harbor, on Friday, September 15.  It was a gorgeous ride through the mountains of NH, 
with vibrant colors along the route.  Arriving at the waters of Maine, reminded us of how much we missed the 
ocean!  We haven't  gotten to see ocean since Alaska!

The campground we're staying at is on the Schoodic Peninsula, the "quiet" side of Acadia National Park.   
The town of Winter Harbor, is on an inlet that opens up into the Atlantic.  Our trailer is backed up with a view 
of the inlet.  It is so quiet here, except for the boat/ship horns and the calls of the gulls!  There are lobster boats 
anchored right off shore. 

We are just under a half mile from The Park entrance where we have hiked, biked and picnicked several times.  
Watching the waves crash against the rocks at Schoodic Point is a relaxing hypnotizing event.  Especially with 
"Jose" stirring things up out in the Atlantic.

One of our first Maine experiences was to drive with Heidi and Mark to Bar Harbor.  We walked around the 
town and had lunch.  Our first Lobster Rolls!  

We had reservations on a nature/sightseeing tour boat.  Unfortunately, the fog and choppy seas forced the 
company to cancel all cruises.  Here is an example of the pea soup of that day.  These are Seagulls on rocks 
with the ocean behind them....

We went to plan B and entered Acadia National Park, on the Bar Harbor side.  

What a gorgeous park!  We began driving the scenic road, marveling at the views!  We took the road up to 
Cadillac Mountain, and were wowed by the vistas!  
The altitude of 1530 ft. elevation is the highest along the North Atlantic Seaboard.  According to Acadia NP facts,
 it is also the first place to view a Sunrise in the US, October 7th - March 6th.

Bar Harbor

The only problem as we saw it and experienced were the large crowds and traffic in Bar Harbor.  The town was 
crowded with the many visitors from all over this country and abroad.  Coupled with the several road 
construction projects entering Bar Harbor, it was enough with the just one time visit.  It made us feel extremely 
happy and grateful that we stayed on the Schoodic Peninsula.  
Frazier Point floating dock

Schoodic Point:

We ate lunch at Schoodic Point, sitting on these rock formations.  It was probably not the best idea, with 
Herring Gulls (Sea Gulls), hanging out.  As you can see, Mark was being closely watched.  What transpired, 
will forever be known as "The Schoodic Incident!"  

This gull, swooped over, like a flash, and snatched Mark's ziplock bag of pretzels!  We were concerned about
the bird eating the plastic, so Mark gave chase!  It was a sight.  Some words were exchanged between 
Mark and the bird.  It was not pretty.  The people around us were thoroughly entertained!  The gull flew off 
with the bag.  Mark sat down to eat.  AND you're not going to believe this, but, the gull came back with the 
bag!  He dropped it behind us, unopened!  Frustrated with the hard to open seal, no doubt.  Mark=1, Gull=0  

On one of the several hikes in Acadia, we took a trail along the coast and in heavy wooded pines.  Not a bad 
sight along the way.

More to come on Maine Part II....


  1. Once again you did a great job; the photos brought back the great memories of the views and of course the infamous "Schoodic INcident."

  2. Ummm.....I think the gull wanted Mark to open the bag....


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