Day 2 - Eastern Wyoming

Hello again!

We arrived into Eastern Wyoming - Cheyenne, this afternoon.  What a difference a day makes.  Yesterday we baked in the 90s; today in WY we arrived to wonderful 72F and no humidity.  Dropping to 50sF.  Got to love higher elevations.  We're at 6,125 Ft. above sea level.

We will spend 2 nights here relaxing after the grueling 2 day drive.  The wind did not cooperate today.  About mid-morning they started blowing.  This time was a head wind of 12-20 mph.  Needless to say, mileage was really bad and considering this weekend prices, it made my blood pressure rise with every fill up.

The one thing that was enjoyable on the road today, was seeing our old friends the "Pronghorns".  Once you enter western Nebraska, they can be seen on either side of the roads.  A pair can be seen captured below. 

Pronghorn on middle of pic right of center

 The landscape of western NE and eastern WY is interesting.  As you can see above and pic below, it's all open farms on rolling hills.  Nothing but open spaces and lots of dairy / cattle farms.  It is a pleasure passing the collection pens or shipping centers for these animals.  Hundreds to thousands can be seen and if the wind is just right, the odor is one you won't soon forget.  We have learned to quickly place the air condition to circulate; which closes the vents from delivering outside air into the cab and thus keeping that wonderful odor away from us.  We will try to capture on film some of these "collection centers" as this trip continues.

We are resting tonight and tomorrow night at this campground in the middle of Cheyenne; A B Camping RV Park.  They have their own BBQ restaurant on the grounds and also delivers to your site.  Nice quiet place but due to proximity of camp sites, we feel claustrophobia setting in.


  1. Oh boy. Please don't post a pic of collection center on my account. The landscape is beautiful and I'm jealous of those temps! Enjoy some bbq delivery.

  2. Yes, thank you for not posting a picture of a "collection center." Ahem. What a euphemism.
    Cool weather sounds good about now. We are experiencing perhaps the hottest May on record since our move here in 1984. Good think climate change is a hoax or I would be worried now.


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