Birding in Bandon, OR

Yesterday we got together with new colleagues & volunteers Marty & Pat.  We went birding in Bandon, a coastal town where they had prevYesterday we got together with new colleagues & volunteers Marty & Pat.  We went birding in Bandon, a coastal town where they had previously volunteered for US Fish & Wildlife.  

It was a rainy dreary morning but what a treat it turned out to be.  The views of the Pacific Ocean were unreal.  The number of aquatic and shore bird species was unbelievable.  To add to the experience, Marty & Pat also own a spotting telescope.  This made viewing birds and other wildlife a real treat.  We had binoculars but due to the distances, much of the details were lost.  Using this spotting scope made all the wonderful features visible.  We suddenly wished we had one of these new toys with a camera adaptor.  Instead we will provide hyperlinks to those species seen on this outing:

Here is another coastal lighthouse encountered during this excursion:  Coquille River Lighthouse

After some time, we left this beautiful location for Simpson Reef.  Before even getting out of the car, the sounds of a typical dog pound was heard.  However, these are not dogs at all.  Stellar Sea Lions, Harbor Seals, California Sea Lions & Elephant Seals were providing the chorus!

Every rock or piece of this reef had one or more of these creatures.  It was fantastic.  As a treat, this location added one more unexpected bonus:  Grey Whales were also seen by us here today.  We believe it was more than one and probably a mother and calf were seen.  They did not fully show themselves for us to get a count.   Definitely an unexpected treat.

Marty & Pat

Again, after spending much time at this spot, we left for Cape Arago.  Another gorgeous spot on the coast.  Here we saw two new species of birds besides the beautiful views:   Violet Green Swallows, Harlequin Ducks.

After this outing, it will be really tough to beat the views and wildlife seen.  Perhaps new surprises will be found around the next corner….


  1. I guess you will be getting a telescope!

  2. so jealous you saw whales, seals and sea lions! Awesome

  3. Look at you getting fancy with the hyperlinks.

  4. Amazing sights! Nice folks to share their tools and knowledge with you. Tempted to purchase a spotting telescope? Thanks for sharing all this with us. Enjoyed the photos.


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