Masked Bobwhite Quail

Masked Bobwhite Quail

As mentioned in previous blogs, one of the missions of the Buenos Aires NWR, is to reintroduce this endangered bird.

One of our many jobs here is to care for this bird once a week.  There are other volunteers that are the primary care givers.  They perform many tasks daily in providing care to the “pens”; where they grow before being released into the wild.  Others also fill in like us, making sure the quail have food and water daily.

There is a display pen near the visitor center where several quails are kept for public viewing.  The flight pen is for staff only access and is about a mile away from the visitor center.  The birds here are banded and reintroduced to their natural habitat before being released into the wild.

Locked and electrified fence to discourage predators, providing access to the flight pens.

Immediately upon entry into this fenced in area, one must step into a Vircon bath to disinfect our shoes.  There is one more disinfectant bath that must be used prior to entering the individual pens.

Currently, pens 9 & 10 are the only ones housing the quails.

Wendy preparing to enter pen 10 carrying food pellets to refill feeding stations as well as bird seeds to drop along the ground to encourage foraging.

First of 3 feeding stations in each pen.

As we go deeper into the pen, the quails move to the front or other side of the pen to keep away from person entering their space.  Several can be seen in the foreground while many others have gathered in the back corner ready to move forward.
The trick is to perform the task of refilling their feeding stations, drop bird seeds and check their water stations while preventing them from “flushing”.  If one flies, they all will including those in the pen next door.  During this enclosed flight, injury can occur.  To avoid this, we constantly talk to them and perform all tasks in slow motion.

Green cone in foreground is one of several shelters for them to use during the cold nights.

Two were captured here in flight

3 male Bobwhites can be seen here

This is the display pen near visitor center

Still in display pen, Wendy captured this one after filling feeding stations.  A few birds can be seen near fence line.


  1. But no quail eggs??? 🤣🤣 Cool pens though.

  2. This is fascinating! thanks for explaining and sharing.
    love you and miss you.


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