
Showing posts from May, 2017

Art Show / Exhibits

Yesterday Saturday was a quiet day mostly around camp.  The weather was not at its best and was cold, windy and occasionally, rainy. Although we stayed in camp, it still managed to be a wildlife gratifying day.  Got to see some (new to us) birds early that morning.  Mule Deer and Elk came to visit us and relax next to us in the camp as well.  We were very surprised by this since the campground is packed and plenty of dogs everywhere. Today has been a spectacular day weather wise.   Most of the morning was sunny and bright with not a cloud to be found.    Drove into town and checked our new friends the Great Horned Owl and babies.  (make sure to click on the pics and enlarge them to see better details)  Then we walked through the Art Show exhibits in display in town this weekend.   Artists from surrounding towns drive in and display their talents.   From handmade jewelry, sun catchers, wind chimes, wood carvings, metal s

YMCA of the Rockies

Hi Everyone Today we learned a few things when it comes to the YMCA .  We have not yet figured out why this "Y" is so different from anything else we have seen anywhere else in the country.  This facility is huge!  It is a city within a city.  There are several lodges.  Countless cabins of different sizes with and without balconies and porches.  Several churches, a stand- alone building for the indoor pool, its own Post Office and a huge stable with numerous horses.   Admin Bldg on left; Auditorium Bldg on right It appears that Photos by Dill has a contract and serves as a concessionaire for the YMCA of the Rockies.  They have their trailer in this "city" where we will be working out of the rest of the summer. We met Sherry Dill this morning and we proceeded to the administration building for a tour and to their HR department for our ID badges.  One of the many perks is access to the employee dining facility where

Estes Park Scenes & New Campground

We're back with more news and pics!  The last few days were spent sightseeing and waiting for the snow to melt off of our trailer.  The temps hit mid 50s for a few days in a row, and we had rivers of water pouring off the old Columbus!  The campground was quiet, with many cancellations due to the snow.   On one of our trips, we went to see a Great Horned Owl's nest.  We heard about this nest from a campground employee.  The nest is in the back of the Library parking lot!  We could hardly believe our eyes to see the mother owl and her two babies!  As you can see, she's huge!  Apparently, she shows up at this location every Spring.  Many folks showed up just to see them. Notice 2 babies to left of mama One baby to left of Mom both babies seen here.  One has back to us and the face of the other seen behind We took a little ride to see the Stanley Hotel.  This hotel is historic and one of the reasons is that it was the set of the movie, "The

Rocky Mountain National Park

 Saturday 5/20/17 Hi Everyone Before talking about our adventure today, we would like to mention the storms that hit back home.  Our neighbors texted us yesterday with pictures of two downed trees on our lawn, near the road.  It appears that one of them actually blocked the road.  Someone had to use a chainsaw to cut it and open the road.  The yard is full of tree limbs and leaves and the backyard fence apparently was knocked down near the house/garage.  Unfortunately, they did not send pictures of the fence.  We're told no damage to the house or roof so we're thankful about that. Today was a beautiful day in Estes.  Cloudless skies, sunny and temps rose to 49° F.  That caused lots of melting of the snow everywhere.  Our roof and gutters were busy all day dumping the melted snow but there is lot more to go.  With temps going below freezing again tonight, it will prolong the process.  Let's see what tomorrow brings… We visited our first